Revision [255]

This is an old revision of GloamingDimensions made by ConradWong on 2010-10-02 16:12:25.


AvatarsCampaign > GloamingVirtualWorld > GloamingDmiensions

Dimensions of the Gloaming

Even though Dantech claims the Gloaming is full of worlds, each one is actually about the size of a city and its surrounding environments. Push too far from the center of a dimension and you'll find things getting gray and blurry, as if seen through a mist, and eventually you'll fall off the page and wind up in a random dimension.

Unless otherwise stated, Places of Power will usually form at landmarks within the city.

The following is not a complete list of dimensions. Just as Avatars adds new Shards, rotates old ones out, and changes the political state of things to keep the experience fresh, Dantech occasionally adds new dimensions to the mix and moves them around to encourage traffic to lower population dmiensions.

Megapolis: the Near Future

It's a fictional city in the real world, a cross between New York City and Las Vegas - think skyscrapers, lots of floating neon signs, the rich people living in penthouse apartments, the dregs and homeless lurching like zombies in the sprawling suburbs around the towers.

Unlike the real world, they have more heavily armed robots, antigravity gunships and bikes, stun rays, and float tubes instead of elevators or stairs.

Places of Power in Megapolis appear at random, and disappear likewise. The ley lines will invisibly move, a new crossing will be formed, and black trenchcoated agents will show up, fight it out, claim it, and eventually it will vanish again, leaving the dimension tilted just that much further toward the Sun or Moon.

The City: Noir

A grey, smoky city of concrete skyscrapers and faux wood panels, this is the city of pulp fiction with gumshoe detectives and bare-chested adventurers (male, not female). Additional "Scenes" may open up here, tropical islands or barren deserts as the case may be, all accessed through the city's airport, flown to through a driving hard rain.

The Wild West

A fictional San Francisco in the heydays of the Gold Rush, and a sizable slice of California coastline, complete with Indian graveyards and reservations - not accurate at all as the entirety of the Wild West timeline gets squished into an area small enough for players to reasonably cross in a day.

Places of Power include mines, ancient Aztec ruins, mysterious rock formations honored by the Indians, and a few places in the city itself.

Old London: Steampunk

London as it was around the turn of the century, if the turn had included giant coal-powered robots, immense airships plated in brass, and mad scientists bringing reanimated humans back to life. A variety of gadgets can be found here that would require Knowledge: Weird Science to understand or operate.

Venysse: European Renaissance

A fictitious city set in Europe, it's a gorgeous blue and ivory gem with gondolas crossing the canals, clandestine rendezvouses beneath leafy arbors, and the occasional backstabbing and poisoning to relieve the tedium of feasts.

Transylvania: the Middle Ages

Set in the Germanic woodlands, this small (by modern standards) medieval city is loomed over by a castle where the Count resides. The Sleepers whisper that he might actually be a vampire... Little do they know the truth. Nevertheless, revealing one's Awakened status can be a ticket to an impromptu "housewarming" if one isn't careful here.


This dimension is more woodland than city, and stretches between the two rival elf-cities of the Seelie and the Unseelie, fae at war with one another. Unlike other dimensions, all the people who live in this dimension are able to see and interact with the Awakened, though they are still a flighty bunch and prefer not to fight unless the odds are on their side.
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