Revision history for OmphalosCharacterCreation

Revision [136297]

Last edited on 2020-06-25 00:27:50 by ConradWong

No Differences

Revision [136296]

Edited on 2020-06-25 00:27:50 by ConradWong
Martial Arts - when fighting unarmed, bare-fisted damage is Str + Martial Arts (Will) die type. With d6 or above Martial Arts, the character may add half their Martial Arts die type to their Toughness and no longer suffers the Unarmed Defender penalty of -2 to Parry when unarmed. Note that Parry still uses Melee Combat; this is a complementary skill.
Martial Arts - when fighting unarmed, bare-fisted damage is Str + Martial Arts (Will) die type. With d6 or above Martial Arts, the character may add half your Martial Arts die type to their Toughness.

Revision [136295]

Edited on 2020-06-24 23:56:50 by ConradWong

No Differences

Revision [136294]

Edited on 2020-06-24 23:56:50 by ConradWong
**Advantages and Disadvantages**
Edges are taken as per the standard Explorer's Edition, but there are too many to easily list here. Only Omphalos-specific Edges will be listed here. Each Edge costs 20 character points.
Hindrances may also be taken, as per the rulebook. Major Hindrances are worth 20 character points, and minor Hindrances are worth 10.
Edges are taken as per the standard Explorer's Edition, but there are too many to easily list here. Only Omphalos-specific Edges will be listed here.

Revision [136293]

Edited on 2020-06-24 23:55:33 by ConradWong

No Differences

Revision [136292]

Edited on 2020-06-24 23:55:33 by ConradWong
//NOTE: within this section, attributes and skills are referred to by die type as they would be in Savage Worlds. However, when displayed to the player within the VRMMO, the game shows display attributes ranging from 40 to 120, and it is possible to have 'excess' Character Points allocated above and beyond the usual 20 point demarcators.//
Unless otherwise stated, all Attributes begin at d4. It costs 20 points to raise any individual stat by one tier, and they may not exceed d12. No more than 100 character points may be spent here baseline; another 20 character points may be spent to advance one attribute a die type, as an Edge.
//NOTE: as with Attributes, Skills are referred to by die type here, but will be displayed ranging from 20 to 60, and fractional expenditures will be possible in-game.//
At character creation time, 120 points should be spent on Skills.
At character creation time, 20 points remain to be spent, after purchasing Attributes and Skills, on Edges and/or Racial Packages.
Unless otherwise stated, all Attributes begin at d4. It costs 20 points to raise any individual stat by one tier, and they may not exceed d12.

Revision [136275]

Edited on 2020-06-23 02:39:31 by ConradWong

No Differences

Revision [136274]

Edited on 2020-06-23 02:39:31 by ConradWong
From the backend point of view, Omphalos is loosely based on the Savage Worlds rules. Everyone begins with d4 in all Attributes, a selection of common Skills, and 240 Character Points to spend.
Unless otherwise stated, all Attributes begin at d4. It costs 20 points to raise any individual stat by one tier, and they may not exceed d12.
At character creation time, it costs 10 CPs to buy a skill at d4, and 10 CPs to raise it by one tier. It costs 20 CPs to raise a skill over the linked attribute, i.e. if a character has d6 Agility, raising Melee Fighting from d6 to d10 will cost 40 CPs. After character creation time, it costs 10 points to buy the skill at d4-1 (Novice), then another 10 points to raise it to d4.
Many powers receive party versions for free, usually at double the cost of the base spell. Such spells affect everyone within 2” of the caster, i.e. a medium burst template always centered on the caster. Note that this includes hostiles, so careful positioning is required lest a healer accidentally help their enemies.
For 1 power point, restores 3 Health points.
For 2 power points, restores 2 Health point every round, starting immediately and lasting 3 rounds. (the HoT option)
For 3 power points, restores 6 Health points and, if the target has suffered a Wound within the Golden Hour, removes one Wound.
Seasoned characters only: for 5 power points, heals 3 Health point to everyone within a medium burst template centered on the caster.
For 3 power points, restores 6 Health points every round, starting immediately and lasting 2 rounds. (the greater HoT option)
For 8 power points, restores 6 Health points to everyone within a large burst template centered on the caster.
From the backend point of view, Omphalos is loosely based on the Savage Worlds rules. Everyone begins with d4 in all Attributes, a selection of common Skills, and 120 points to spend.
Unless otherwise stated, all Attributes begin at d4. It costs 10 points to raise any individual stat by one tier, and they may not exceed d12.
__Derived Stats__
Pace - base movement speed. This may vary by race. For humans, 6” per combat round, where 1” represents 2 yards.
Health - half the character’s Endurance. This may be increased by a class perk, e.g. tank-type classes may receive a 50% bonus. When the character runs out of Health, any further damage are taken as Wounds.
Wounds - severe physical injuries which hinder the character's actions. Each Wound subtracts 1 from all rolls the character makes. At 3 Wounds, the character is knocked out and left for dead, and unless rescued by friendly persons after combat, will actually perish.
Parry - 2 + half of the character’s Melee Combat skill, plus bonuses for shields or certain weapons. For stats with modifiers, add half the fixed modifier, rounded down. This is the target number to hit the character in hand-to-hand combat.
Charisma - base 0, modified by Edges or Hindrances.
Toughness - 2 + half of the character’s Endurance. Damage which equals or exceeds this number causes the character to become Shaken and lose one point of Health for every 4 points by which Toughness was exceeded. If they were already Shaken and have no remaining Health, the rest converts to Wounds.
Luck - based on Endurance, restored after a long rest, +1 after a short rest. Used to reroll Trait rolls or soak damage, or remove the Shaken status. If a character is out of Luck, they may take on a level of Fatigue for a single point of Luck.
Fatigue - at level 1 or level 2, the character subtracts that amount from all rolls, as with Wounds. At level 3, the character is exhausted and can take no further actions. Each long rest reduces Fatigue by 1 level.
At character creation time, it costs 5 points to buy a skill at d4, and 5 points to raise it by one tier. It costs 10 points to raise a skill over the linked attribute, i.e. if a character has d6 Agility, raising Melee Fighting from d6 to d8 will cost 10 points. After character creation time, it costs 5 points to buy the skill at d4-1 (Novice), then another 5 points to raise it to d4.
Many powers receive party versions for free, usually at double the cost of the base spell. Such spells affect everyone within 2” of the caster, i.e. a medium burst template always centered on the caster.
For 1 power point, restores 1 Health point.
For 2 power points, restores 1 Health point every round, starting immediately and lasting 3 rounds. (the HoT option)
For 3 power points, restores 2 Health points and, if the target has suffered a Wound within the Golden Hour, removes one Wound.
Seasoned characters only: for 5 power points, heals 1 Health point to everyone within a medium burst template centered on the caster.
For 3 power points, restores 2 Health points every round, starting immediately and lasting 2 rounds. (the greater HoT option)
For 8 power points, restores 2 Health points to everyone within a large burst template centered on the caster.

Revision [136253]

Edited on 2020-06-19 00:15:34 by ConradWong

No Differences

Revision [136252]

Edited on 2020-06-19 00:15:34 by ConradWong
Health - half the character’s Endurance. This may be increased by a class perk, e.g. tank-type classes may receive a 50% bonus. When the character runs out of Health, any further damage are taken as Wounds.
Wounds - severe physical injuries which hinder the character's actions. Each Wound subtracts 1 from all rolls the character makes. At 3 Wounds, the character is knocked out and left for dead, and unless rescued by friendly persons after combat, will actually perish.
Health - half the character’s Endurance. This may be increased by a class perk, e.g. tank-type classes may receive a 50% bonus. When the character runs out of Health, any further damage are taken as Wounds. Health is restored at the end of combat. However, any Wounds that were taken, remain.
Wounds - severe physical injuries which hinder the character's actions. Each Wound subtracts 1 from all rolls the character makes. At 3 Wounds, the character is knocked out and left for dead, and unless rescued by friendly persons after combat, will actually perish. Wounds can be healed by a caster with Healing only within one hour after the combat; after that, only a Greater Healing, or a full night of rest will cure one Wound.

Revision [136251]

Edited on 2020-06-18 23:37:57 by ConradWong

No Differences

Revision [136250]

Edited on 2020-06-18 23:37:57 by ConradWong
- May use Knowledge: Ritual Magic to attempt to cast spells with which they are unfamiliar. They roll at -2 to try to remember the appropriate magic circle, runes, chant, et cetera. If they are doing so in the heat of battle, they take an additional -4. With amble time, books, and materials, they gain +2. This counts as an action in itself.
- If the Ritualist has successfully recalled the details of the ritual. they may then cast it, at -2 to their Spellcasting (Int) roll. Circumstance penalties such as being in combat (-2), having combat close by (-2), and bonuses such as having a well-prepared lab (+2), do apply.
Arcane Background: Ki Warrior - a martial artist or warrior who has learned to manipulate their inner magic, either focusing it through their weapons or unleashing it between blows. They do not need to use a Spellcasting skill; their spells automatically succeed if cast on themselves or a friendly target, and they must roll Melee Combat or Ranged Combat if trying to use them on a target who is resisting.
- Ki Warriors can meditate in combat, though this is risky as they will be at -2 to Parry until their next action. They can only move at half pace, and cannot take any other action than meditation. This restores 1 power point per round.
- Rapid Recharge increases this to 2 power points per round of meditation. Improved Rapid Recharge increases this to 3 power points.
- Whenever a Ki Warrior is nearly out of power, they may declare a Limit Break. They are at +2 to all rolls for that round, and immediately gain their Will in power points, but after their round is over, they take 1 level of Fatigue. This is normally a last ditch maneuver.
- If a Ki Warrior needs a Spellcasting roll, e.g. to create an Enchantment or an Artifact, they may simply use their Will.
Enchanter (Edge) - the Enchanter is able to create "held" versions of spells. These must be placed on a specific item, person, or location, and given a trigger, specific circumstances that will cause them to activate. The trigger must be set at creation time.
- Requires d8 Knowledge: Ritual Magic (Int), an Arcane Background..
- Triggers should be fairly concrete, e.g. “when anyone steps on this magic circle” or “if the target attacks me”. Vague circumstances like “if the target does something evil” will give a -2 or more to the Spellcasting skill roll.
- If the Spellcasting roll fails, the Enchantment simply did not work… this time. The power points are not lost.
- Multiple copies of the same spell count as separate Enchantments, but the same item or person may be enchanted multiple
times, just not with the same trigger.
- In other words, you can’t put multiple Bolt spells into a wand and have them all fire at once, you would have to give each Bolt spell a different command word, or fire on the Nth time a word was spoken.
- Triggering an Enchanted item or person is considered an action.
- Power points must be paid at the time the Enchantment is created. The Spellcasting roll must be done at the time it is triggered. If the Spellcasting roll fails, the Enchantment fizzles out. Ritual casting may not be used to reduce this cost.
- The spellcaster does not recover power points that are currently being held in an Enchantment. E.G. if the spellcaster normally
has 10 power points and has put 6 points into a Bolt spell which is being held in a trap, the spellcaster now has 4 power points and cannot recover more through meditation.
- The spellcaster may never have more than their total power points in Enchantments. If they exceed this limit, the GM will select a random Enchantment to be discarded until they are under the limit.
- The Enchanter may release their own enchantments at will.
- Enchantments may be removed by another person casting Dispel. This requires an opposing Spellcasting roll.
- The Enchanter may attempt to disarm another Enchanter’s spell, or an artifact which has been Enchanted. This, again, requires an opposing Spellcasting roll.
- Enchantments must be declared ahead of time and cannot be prepared in combat. It takes 1 minute per power point to imbue an item or person with an enchantment.
- Enchantments are visible to any spellcaster or person sensitive to magic, though it would take Knowledge: Ritual Magic to identify them.
Alchemist (Edge) - the Alchemist is able to create a consumable item which holds an Enchantment, usually a potion to be drunk in the case of self-buffs or heals, or a stone to be thrown at a target for damage-dealing spells. Such an item no longer depends upon the spellcaster and thus no longer counts against their power points.
- Requires d6 Knowledge: Arcane Crafting (Int), Enchanter (Edge)
- The artifact requires materials worth 100 coins times the number of power points the Enchantment holds. The higher the power points required, the more rare and precious the materials will be, meaning they may not be available in lower-class magic shops, and require a quest.
- The Spellcasting roll for the Enchantment must be performed at the time that it is cast upon the item. After that, assuming the roll was successful, using the item does not require a roll for self-buffs or heals, and requires a Throwing roll for items.
Crafting (Edge) - the Crafter is able to create basic weapons, armor, jewelry, and tools. These may serve as a basis for further enchantment into Artifacts.
- Requires d6 Repairs (Int), d8 Knowledge: Crafting (Int)
- Knowledge: Crafting (Int) suffices for most weapons, armor, jewelry, and tools. If the Crafter has a more specific Knowledge skill, they may roll it in order to add +2 on a success to their Knowledge: Crafting (Int) roll.
- This assumes the Crafter has adequate access to facilities, materials, and ample time to craft an item. This is normally a non-combat activity, and takes hours.
- Exceptional materials and facilities may grant +2 to the roll, at the GM's discretion, and may imbue the item with additional properties.
- On a Raise, the item is in some way exceptional, gaining the crafter’s choice from the list below. Multiple raises grant multiple bonuses.
- +1 to hit (weapons)
- +1 to damage (weapons) or +2 to damage versus specific creature type
- +1 Armor (armor)
- +2 to Spellcasting rolls to enchant and/or recharge the item (jewelry, relics)
- Base cost of materials for making an item is half the list cost of the normal item.
Artificer (Edge) - the Artificer is able to imbue a crafted item with an enchantment. On success, the enchantment no longer depends on the spellcaster. The resulting item can be used to cast the spell repeatedly, though it recovers power points slowly.
- Requires d6 Repairs (Int), d8 Knowledge: Arcane Crafting (Int), Crafting (Edge), Enchanter (Edge)
- The item must first be created before it can be enchanted. Enchanting it requires a successful Spellcasting check, as per the Artificer's Arcane Background.
- This requires 1000 coins times the number of power points the Enchantment will hold.
- The Artificer must be able to cast the spell in question, or a Ritualist, taking the appropriate penalties. Otherwise, they must work with another spellcaster who does have it, at a -4 penalty. The other spellcaster rolls their own Spellcasting skill, as a support.
- Optionally, the artifact may be imbued with an Edge appropriate to the base item, such as a bow conferring Marksman. This requires materials worth 3000 coins, 8000 coins for a Improved version of an Edge. This may be instead of or in addition to an enchantment.
- If the crafter does not have the Edge in question, they incur a -2 penalty to the Spellcasting roll to create the item. This may necessitate very specific materials with the required properties.
- The Spellcasting roll for the Enchantment must be performed at the time that it is laid upon the artifact. After that, assuming the roll was successful, using the item simply requires a Fighting or Shooting roll, as appropriate.
- The artifact recharges relatively slowly: 1 power point per 10 minutes (100 rounds).
- For 3x the price, this can be increased to 1 power point per round.
- Anyone with power points can channel them into the artifact, recharging it more quickly, but must roll their appropriate spellcasting roll, at -1 per every 2 power points, rounding down, e.g. if they wish to channel 7 power points, they would roll at -3.
- If they fail, the artifact malfunctions and must be repaired, out of combat.
- Artifacts *may* be lost, stolen, deliberately broken, or otherwise rendered nonfunctional. There are no refunds in these circumstances
//Environmental Protection//
//Greater Healing//
//Greater Illusion// (requires //Illusion//)
//Greater Decay//
//Summon Familiar//
- May attempt to cast powers with which they are unfamiliar, at a base -2 to Spellcasting (Int). If they are doing so in the heat of battle, they take an additional -4. With ample time, books, and materials, they gain +2.
Arcane Background: Spellblade - a martial artist or warrior who uses magic, either focusing it through their weapons or unleashing it between blows. They do not need to use a Spellcasting skill; their spells automatically succeed if cast on themselves or a friendly target, and they must roll Melee Combat or Ranged Combat if trying to use them on a target who is resisting.
- TODO: a power point recovery mechanic
- TODO: a Limit Break mechanic
Enchanter (Edge)
Requires d8 Knowledge: Ritual Magic (Int), an Arcane Background
Enchantments are “held spells”-- they must be set on a specific item and person, and given a particular circumstance which will make them go off. The trigger must be set by the caster at creation time.
Triggers should be fairly concrete, e.g. “when anyone steps on this magic circle” or “if the target attacks me”. Vague circumstances like “if the target does something evil” will give a -2 or more to the Spellcasting skill roll.
If the Spellcasting roll fails, the Enchantment simply did not work… this time. The power points are not lost.
Multiple copies of the same spell count as separate Enchantments, but the same item or person may be enchanted multiple times, just not with the same trigger.
In other words, you can’t put multiple Bolt spells into a wand and have them all fire at once, you would have to give each Bolt spell a different command word, or fire on the Nth time a word was spoken.
Triggering an Enchanted item or person is considered an action.
Power points must be paid at the time the Enchantment is created. The Spellcasting roll must be done at the time it is triggered. If the Spellcasting roll fails, the Enchantment fizzles out. Ritual casting may not be used to reduce this cost.
The spellcaster does not recover power points that are currently being held in an Enchantment. E.G. if the spellcaster normally has 10 power points and has put 6 points into a Bolt spell which is being held in a trap, the spellcaster now has 4 power points.
The spellcaster may never have more than their total power points in Enchantments. If they exceed this limit, the GM will select a random Enchantment to be discarded until they are under the limit.
The Enchanter may release their own enchantments at will.
Enchantments may be removed by another person casting Dispel. This requires an opposing Spellcasting roll.
The Enchanter may attempt to disarm another Enchanter’s spell, or an artifact which has been Enchanted. This, again, requires an opposing Spellcasting roll.
Enchantments must be declared ahead of time and cannot be prepared in combat. It takes 1 minute per power point to imbue an item or person with an enchantment.
Enchantments are visible to any spellcaster or person sensitive to magic, though it would take Knowledge: Ritual Magic to identify them.
Alchemist (Edge)
Requires d6 Knowledge: Arcane Crafting (Int), Enchanter (Edge)
Able to create a consumable item which holds an Enchantment, usually a potion to be drunk in the case of self-buffs or heals, or a stone to be thrown at a target for damage-dealing spells. Such an item no longer depends upon the spellcaster.
The artifact requires materials worth 100 coins times the number of power points the Enchantment holds.
The higher the power points required, the more rare and precious the materials will be, meaning they may not be available in lower-class magic shops, and require a quest.
The Spellcasting roll for the Enchantment must be performed at the time that it is cast upon the item. After that, assuming the roll was successful, using the item does not require a roll for self-buffs or heals, and requires a Throwing roll for items.
Crafting (Edge)
Requires d6 Repairs (Int), d8 Knowledge: Blacksmithing (Int)
Knowledge: Blacksmithing suffices for most weapons, armor, jewelry, and tools.
If the artificer also has Knowledge: Weaponsmith, for creating a weapon, then a success on the Weaponsmith skill adds +2 to the Blacksmithing roll, as a supporting skill. Each Raise adds another +2.
Roll Knowledge: Blacksmithing, assuming adequate access to facilities, materials, and time. If there is a lack of any of these, circumstance penalty of -2. This is a non-combat activity and takes hours.
Using exceptional materials or facilities grants +2 to the roll at the GM’s discretion.
On a Raise, the item is in some way exceptional, gaining the crafter’s choice from the list below. Multiple raises grant multiple bonuses.
+1 to hit (weapons)
+1 to damage (weapons) or +2 to damage versus specific creature type
+1 Armor (armor)
+2 to Spellcasting rolls to enchant and/or recharge the item (jewelry, relics)
Item costs are half the normal version of the base item.
Artificer (Edge)
Requires d6 Repairs (Int), d8 Knowledge: Arcane Crafting (Int), Crafting (Edge), Enchanter (Edge)
Able to create an artifact designed to hold one enchantment and renew it, so that it can be used repeatedly. Such an enchantment no longer depends upon the spellcaster.
As with Crafting, the item requires half the cost of the normal version of the item.
In addition, it needs materials worth 1000 coins times the number of power points the Enchantment holds.
If the crafter does not have the power in question, if they are a Ritualist, they suffer a -2 penalty to the Spellcasting roll to create the item. Otherwise, they must work with another spellcaster who does have it, at a -4 penalty, but with the other caster rolling a supporting Spellcasting skill roll.
Optionally, the artifact may be imbued with an Edge appropriate to the base item, such as a bow conferring Marksman. This requires materials worth 3000 coins, 8000 coins for a Improved version of an Edge.
If the crafter does not have the Edge in question, they incur a -2 penalty to the Spellcasting roll to create the item.
The higher the power points required, the more rare and precious the materials will be, meaning that they may not be purchasable, and require a quest.
Functional items like weapons and armor must be created with the Crafting Edge.
The Spellcasting roll for the Enchantment must be performed at the time that it is laid upon the artifact. After that, assuming the roll was successful, using the item simply requires a Fighting or Shooting roll, as appropriate.
The artifact recharges relatively slowly: 1 power point per 10 minutes (100 rounds).
For 3x the price, this can be increased to 1 power point per round.
Anyone with power points can channel them into the artifact, recharging it more quickly, but must roll their appropriate spellcasting roll, at -1 per every 2 power points, rounding down, e.g. if they wish to channel 7 power points, they would roll at -3.
If they fail, the artifact malfunctions and must be repaired, out of combat.
Artifacts *may* be lost, stolen, deliberately broken, or otherwise rendered nonfunctional. There are no refunds in these circumstances
Environmental Protection
Greater Healing
Greater Illusion (requires Illusion)
Greater Decay
Summon Familiar

Revision [136247]

Edited on 2020-06-18 02:24:50 by ConradWong

No Differences

Revision [136246]

Edited on 2020-06-18 02:24:50 by ConradWong
Health - half the character’s Endurance. This may be increased by a class perk, e.g. tank-type classes may receive a 50% bonus. When the character runs out of Health, any further damage are taken as Wounds. Health is restored at the end of combat. However, any Wounds that were taken, remain.
Crafting - able to forge weapons, armor, jewelry, and various tools
Lockpicking - ability to bypass simple mechanical and magical locks. Complex machinery or arcane locks will require appropriate knowledge skills: Machinery for sophisticated safes and mechanical traps, Ritual Magic for arcane locks.
Notice - ability to find clues in one’s surroundings, whether through an initial examination or carefully scrutinizing specific objects or places, one at a time. Does not include understanding other people’s expressions; that’s the duty of Streetwise. Tracking creatures or persons will rely on Streetwise within urban environments, Survival out in the wilderness.
Spellcasting - ability to actually cast a spell. Requires an appropriate Arcane Background and power points.
Channeling - ability to summon power from within oneself and focus it to a specific need. Requires an appropriate Arcane Background and power points.
Faith - ability to invoke the power or knowledge of a deity or spirit with which one has a connection. Requires an appropriate Arcane Background and power points.
Martial Arts - when fighting unarmed, bare-fisted damage is Str + Martial Arts (Will) die type. With d6 or above Martial Arts, the character may add half your Martial Arts die type to their Toughness.
Arcane Background: Ritualist - a learned magician who is well educated or has a keen grasp on the fundamentals of power. Uses the Spellcasting (Int) skill to cast spells.
- Starts with 10 power points, 2 powers.
- May attempt to cast powers with which they are unfamiliar, at a base -2 to Spellcasting (Int). If they are doing so in the heat of battle, they take an additional -4. With ample time, books, and materials, they gain +2.
- May perform ritual casting. The spell they are trying to perform must be stated at the beginning. Each round spent performing the ritual deducts 1 power point from the cost of the spell, but the spell can never be reduced below 1 power point actually spent.
- Rapid Recharge increases this to 2 power points per round of ritual. Improved Rapid Recharge increases this to 3 power points per round.
- While performing the ritual, the Ritualist is at -2 to Parry.
Arcane Background: Acolyte - a devotee to a specific deity, whose aegis should be described in a single word. All the Acolyte's powers should reflect that word in their trappings. Uses Faith (Will) to cast spells.
- Starts with 10 power points, 3 powers.
- While in combat, may meditate to restore 1 power point per round spent. They may move at no more than half pace and can take no other actions while meditating. They will be at -2 to Parry while meditating.
- Rapid Recharge increases this to 2 power points per round. Improved Rapid Recharge increases this to 3 power points per round.
- Once per day, may pray to the deity to ask a favor or a question. Answers are usually cryptic and oracular.
- Actions which go against the will or dominion of the deity, e.g. an acolyte of a god of Peace sabotaging diplomatic talks, will incur the disfavor of the deity, giving them -2 to all Faith (Will) skill rolls until they have successfully atoned for their sins.
- Sacrifices, promises, or taking on quests that serve the deity will usually earn the favor of the deity, granting a temporary bonus to Faith or other blessings as appropriate to the situation. Failing to deliver on a promise or failing a quest may cause disfavor.
Arcane Background: Sorcerer - a spellcaster who draws upon some great inner power, whether monstrous heritage, alliance with powerful beings, or simple strength of will. Uses Channeling (Will) to cast spells.
- Starts with 15 power points, 2 powers. Each Raise on the Channeling (Will) roll reduces the cost of the spell by 1 power point, to a minimum of 1 power point.
- May attempt to summon additional power as per the Soul Drain Edge. Roll Will minus however many power points they are trying to get. Failure means they are Shaken. At 1 or less, they also take damage. If successful, they must use the power points immediately, by casting some spell.
Arcane Background: Spellblade - a martial artist or warrior who uses magic, either focusing it through their weapons or unleashing it between blows. They do not need to use a Spellcasting skill; their spells automatically succeed if cast on themselves or a friendly target, and they must roll Melee Combat or Ranged Combat if trying to use them on a target who is resisting.
- Starts with 20 power points, 1 power.
- TODO: a power point recovery mechanic
- TODO: a Limit Break mechanic
Health - the character’s Endurance. This may be increased by a class perk, e.g. tank-type classes may receive a 50% bonus. When the character runs out of Health, any further damage are taken as Wounds. Health is restored at the end of combat. However, any Wounds that were taken, remain.
Blacksmithing - able to forge weapons, armor, jewelry, and various tools
Lockpicking - ability to bypass simple mechanical and magical locks. Complex machinery or arcane locks will require appropriate knowledge skills.
Notice - ability to find clues in one’s surroundings, whether through an initial examination or carefully scrutinizing specific objects or places, one at a time. Does not include understanding other people’s expressions; that’s the duty of Streetwise.
Search - ability to examine one’s surroundings carefully and detect hidden objects, traps, things that seem out of place, reconstruct past events, et cetera. Replaces Tracking; the simple ability to follow tracks has been rolled into Survival for the wilderness, Streetwise for urban settings.
Martial Arts - when fighting unarmed, bare-fisted damage is Str + Martial Arts (Will) die type. With d6 or above Martial Arts, the character may add ½ your Martial Arts die type to their Toughness.
Arcane Background: Ritualist
Starts with 10 power points, 2 powers
Uses Spellcasting (Int) skill to cast spells. A natural 1 on the Spellcasting die causes Backlash: the Mage becomes Shaken.
May attempt to cast powers with which they are unfamiliar, at a base -2 to Spellcasting (Int). If they are doing so in the heat of battle, they take an additional -4.
If they have ample time to research the spell ahead of time and prepare materials, they gain +2 to the Spellcasting (Int) skill roll.
May perform ritual casting. They must describe the spell they are performing at the start. Each round spent performing the ritual deducts one power point from the cost of the spell, e.g. if the caster wishes to turn invisible (cost 5 power points) then they can spend 4 rounds casting the ritual, and actually cast the spell on the 5th round.
The spell can never take less than 1 power point actually spent.
Rapid Recharge increases this to 2 power points per round. Improved Rapid Recharge increases this to 3 power points.
Parry at -2 while performing the ritual.
Arcane Background: Acolyte
Starts with 10 power points, 3 powers.
Choose a deity whose aegis can be described in a single word. All powers must tie into that word in some way.
The Acolyte must abide by a code of standard appropriate to the deity. Violation of the deity’s code may result in the displeasure of the deity, incurring -2 to all Faith (Will) skill rolls from that moment on. The Acolyte must perform a quest of atonement to regain the favor of the deity.
Uses Faith (Will) skill to cast spells. A natural 1 on the Spellcasting die causes Backlash: the divine caster becomes Shaken.
Meditation restores 1 power point per round spent. The acolyte may only move at half pace and may take no other action while meditating. Parry at -2 while meditating.
Rapid Recharge increases this to 2 power points. Improved Rapid Recharge increases this to 3 power points.
Once per day, may pray to the deity to ask a question. Roll Faith versus a GM-specified target number.
Questions will typically be answered in a cryptic and oracular fashion.
Successive prayers are considered ‘god-bothering’ and receive a cumulative -2 apiece.
May offer up a sacrifice or promise of future achievement, e.g. dedicating success in a battle to the deity. Roll Faith (Will) to gain the notice of the deity.
A great sacrifice or promise may grant bonuses to the roll. Persuasion may be used as a supporting skill.
On success, gain the blessing of the deity, conferring +2 on a chosen die roll, or other favor as chosen by the GM.
A failure is simply ignored. A natural 1 on the Faith (Will) die indicates the deity is not pleased with the request and the Acolyte becomes Shaken.
If the sacrifice is not delivered or the promise is not fulfilled, the deity may become displeased, incurring -2 to all Faith (Will) rolls from that moment on for the Acolyte. The Acolyte must perform a quest of atonement to regain the favor of their deity.
Feel like we need a more finely grained representation of faith. Instead of buying faith with skill points, have it go up and down?
Arcane Background: Sorcerer
Starts with 15 power points, 2 powers.
Choose a single word. This defines the essence of your innate power.
Uses Channeling (Will) power to cast spells. A natural 1 on the Spellcasting die causes Backlash: the Sorcerer becomes Shaken.
However, each Raise on the Spellcasting skill roll will reduce the cost of the spell by 1 power point, as per the Wizard Edge.
The Sorcerer may attempt to drain their own soul for 1-4 power points immediately before casting a spell, as per the Soul Drain Edge. They must roll their Will Trait, minus however many power points they are trying to drain. If they fail, they become Shaken. If they roll 1 or less, they are both Shaken and suffer an immediate Wound. If they succeed, they must cast the spell immediately.
Arcane Background: Spellblade
Starts with 20 power points, 1 power.
Does not need to use a Spellcasting skill; instead, whether they hit or miss depends on their Fighting or Shooting skill, depending on the spell in question. If the spell does not target an enemy, it is considered automatically successful.
May rest in combat in order to regain 1 power point per round. Can only move at half pace and may take no other actions while resting. Parry at -2 while resting.
Rapid Recharge increases this to 2 power points. Improved Rapid Recharge increases this to 3 power points.

Revision [136245]

Edited on 2020-06-18 01:45:15 by ConradWong

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