Revision [31]

This is an old revision of AvatarsVirtualWorld made by ConradWong on 2008-06-11 21:59:15.


Imagine a diadem of world-shards in orbit around a sun, strung not by any
material line but by sparkling lines of magical force. The shards spin
slowly, creating night and day. The light from the Sun possesses a healing
and nourishing effect, restoring magical energy to the magicians of these
worlds, but it is opposed by the Endless Night which seeks to drain that
energy away into the inky void and turn the worlds into cold, dead stone.

The central kingdom of Avatars is named Tasavar, one near to the Sun and
thus blessed with more magical energy - enough to allow it a Victorian level
of technology, except with magic used in place of science. Craftmans still
ply their trades, things are handcrafted, but they wield instruments that
make materials much easier to shape, and imbue their creations with runes of
strength and power. Great flying airships ferry passengers from one town to
another, carved from giant tree trunks from a distant island, lofted by
levistones extracted from another.

In the beginning, it had been ruled over by a wise, old king, Solomon, but
early in the history of Avatars, he died, and it was up to the scattered
heroes to search out his successor, and to hold the land together in the
face of an invasion from the Endless Night as they struck in the moment of
Tasavar's weakness. Shockingly, not one but two successors of equal
eligibility were found, inaugurating a civil war between the North and
South, and only recently has the land been reunited as the Southern King
yielded to the Northern King, driven by the more important threat of the
Empire of Stars which is seeking to unify all the worlds of the Diadem under
its despotic rule...
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