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This is an old revision of HeroesMmoCharacterCreation made by ConradWong on 2015-10-21 19:21:10.


SuperheroesCampaign > HeroesMmoCharacterCreation

Mu Factor/Character Creation

In the Mu Factor character creation system, as with most MMOs, players are presented with a handful of choices at the outset. More choices and options to customize their characters will be presented as they play.


The following origins are available:

Child of Power

The character was born in the gleaming futuristic arcology of New Olympus, either to corporate citizens or Licensed mutants. She attends one of the best prep school for mutants-- think Professor Xavier's School for the Gifted. Her mentors expect great things of her, and have spoken of fast-tracking her career. But first, she must claim her License... And no amount of patronage can influence the notorious Testers.

Enclave Child

The character was born in one of the crowded enclaves or to poor citizens or 'proles' and attends a state-run school for mutants, one that was far more 'reform school' or 'school for delinquents' than 'Hogwarts'. For her, getting a License is her ticket out of the slum. But is she prepared to do whatever it takes to pass the Testers' stern criteria, or will she wind up fleeing to Zeus's Rogues?

Rogue Upbringing

The character was born in the Dregs, the decaying old city of Olympus that was once a flourishing port before the sea level rose. Her parents never submitted her for Mu gene testing; she went to school among norms, and when she triggered... There was quite a scandal. She fled rather than be taken in by the Licensed, fearing that she would be enslaved or imprisoned. Now she has managed to find fellow mutants, ones eager to share what they know and cooperate in a mutual struggle for survival... And with Zeus's help, strike a blow for mutant freedom.


Players may choose a variety of human body shapes, skin colors, hairstyles and colors, and preferred clothes, but as mutants they are also encouraged to choose ways in which their mutation manifests, making them visibly different. Players may change these later, but the cost of doing so will be higher the more they wish to change their character appearance.

Players may appear completely human if they wish, but they can never completely eliminate visible manifestations of their mutant origins when using their powers-- at the very least their eyes or hands will glow.

1-2. Female (roll 1d6, 1=butch, 2=professional, 3=ordinary, 4=lady-like, 5=flirty, 6=over the top)
3-4. Male (roll 1d6, 1=effeminate, 2=professional, 3=ordinary, 4=gentleman, 5=scruffian, 6=machismo R Us)
5. Ambiguous (roll again if you want)
6. It's Complicated

Skin Color:
1. "Crisps In The Sun" White
2. 'Healthy Pink'
3. Asian/Indian
4. Burnished bronze
5. Black
6. Other (1: Red, 2: Orange, 3: Green, 4: Blue, 5: Purple, 6: Roll Twice)

Body Build: (2d6)
2. Short and squat, midget-like
3. Significantly obese, average height
4. Slightly obese, average height
5. Tall and lean, like a beanpole
6-7. Muscled, movie star-like build
8-9. Slim and gracile, dancer-like build
10. Heavy-set, muscled build
11. Charles Atlas bundle of muscles
12. Brute-like physique, hulking, hunched over

1. Practically human except for glowing eyes when using powers
2. Normally human, transforms when using powers i.e. 'Flame On!'.
3-4. Near-human appearance, could pass in heavy clothes or simple disguises
5. Demi-human, would require poor lighting and heavy disguising
6. Very inhuman looking, nigh impossible to disguise

Archetype. Players select a major archetype. They are not restricted to taking powers from this archetype, but at least two of their first powers will be.

- Guardian (heavy defenses)
- Scrapper (strong melee damage but weak defenses)
- Blaster (strong ranged damage but weak at melee range)
- Summoner (uses pets or conjured entities)
- Controller (able to control some major aspect of the environment)
- Defender (able to buff allies and/or debuff enemies)
- Healer
- (this space available for suggestions)

Players then select from a range of supported 'Elements', which reflect the special effects of their power. Elements are stronger or weaker against other elements, i.e. a mutant with fire-based powers would be weaker against one with water-based powers, but their relative levels and strength with any given power will weigh more heavily, so a strong fire attack might be able to reduce a water shield to steam. Players may choose only one Element, but a wide variety of Elements are offered. Some examples:

- Fire
- Water
- Ice
- Air
- Earth
- Metal
- Electricity
- Machines
- Electronic
- Nature (plant-specific control or attributes thereof)
- Beast (control of wildlife and/or transformation into a powerful beast)
- Gravity (Telekinesis)
- Space (Teleportation)
- Time (local area speeding up/slowing down only)
- Light (i.e. illumination, flares, beam attacks)
- Darkness (i.e. personal cloak, blinding areas, drain attacks)
- (this space available for suggestions)

Note: All mutants have access to high-tech items and physical fitness/martial arts.


Players gain access to a set of powers based on their chosen archetypes and Element. Some powers will have prerequisites, i.e. before a player can select 'Fly', she must take 'Hover'. Powers may also have multiple levels, so 'Fly 1' could allow a player to move at running speed, but 'Fly 2' would boost their speed to 30mph, 'Fly 3' to 100mph, and so forth.

Note: telepathy, mind control, precognition, time travel, and many other 'gamebreaking' powers are not available in 'Mu Factor' to players.

Players are then introduced to/allowed to choose their first available powers through the introduction story for their factions. For example, a Rogue might be hiding behind a truck with their mentor, who asks them in a hurried tone if they've got any means by which to stop their attackers, then go down a list of possible options. The player would select the preferred power, which would then be unlocked.

Powers, once passed by, can still be selected later. Also, even if a player were to choose an Element like 'gravity', they could not immediately create black holes or cast an enemy into outer space. All players begin at a relatively weak power level, and gain strength and range with experience and training.

By the end of their introduction, they will have unlocked a movement power, at least one damaging power, and several defensive or utility powers, and will have made the acquaintance of several 'personal NPCs', characters that serve as mentors, friends, rivals and enemies, and who may reoccur in future missions.


Similar to City of Heroes' "Origins", each archetype describes both how the hero gains his or her powers, and how the hero can evolve to gain new powers or increase his or her powers. Archetypes don't constrain the hero's powers, but they do change how the hero can make use of powers. For example, Tech heroes can shoot their enemies with guns, but will need to reload periodically. Magic heroes can fire powerful blasts but drain their energy in doing so, and recover slowly.

Soldier Archetype

This archetype covers 'normal humans' who must train to reach peak physical condition and can use a variety of equipment as missions require. Examples include Batman, Robin, Catwoman, Green Arrow and Hawkeye, Nick Fury and the SHIELD agents. Soldier equipment is drawn from a catalog, generally featuring limited charges, fuel, or ammunition, and Soldiers can change their loadout and resupply at their home bases or any 'outfitting station'. As Soldier heroes advance, they will gain access to higher levels of personal enhancement and technological equipment.

Technology Archetype

This archetype covers users of 'advanced technology' -- powered armor wearers, cyborgs, self-aware robots, et cetera. Examples include Iron Man and Cyborg (DC), and Dr. Doom and Cable (Marvel). All technology used by such a hero is integrated and powered from a single 'energy' reservoir. Energy recovers relatively quickly, given a chance to recharge. Technology heroes can collect Scraps from fallen Technology foes and research these in order to unlock new powers and increase their capability. However, each time they make an advance, they must choose from one of several possible advances-- they are following a 'Tech tree'.

Magician Archetype

This archetype covers most magic users. Examples include Dr. Strange, Zatanna, and John Constantine. Powers and artifacts draw on a single 'magic' reservoir. Magic recovers relatively slowly, encouraging magicians to conserve it, and the more power that is channeled into a spell or artifact, the more powerful the result will be. Powers are granted by a set of very powerful beings and factions. At the beginning, the magician receives several spells and/or artifacts for the price of agreeing to perform a set of (tutorial) missions. Later, the magician may seek to rise in favor with his or her chosen patron, or seek out additional beings and factions from which to learn more spells or gain more artifacts.

Science Archetype

Elemental Archetype

Mutant Biology Archetype

Psionic Archetype

Innate Archetype

This archetype covers non-human heroes that have powers simply by nature of their exotic biology. Heroes may select from a list of creatures or design their own.


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