Revision [543]

This is an old revision of CamfordSkills made by ConradWong on 2016-05-06 02:36:46.


CamfordCampaign > Camford Skills

Social Skills

Persuasion (Spirit)

Intimidate (Spirit)
will subtract-- people are less inclined to be threatened by a pretty or nice-seeming person.

Taunt (Smarts)

Streetwise (Spirit)

Investigative and Knowledge Skills

Notice (Smarts)

Tracking (Smarts)

Investigation (Smarts)

Lockpicking (Smarts)

Repairs (Smarts)

Knowledge: Supernatural (Smarts)

Transportation Skills

Riding (Agility)

Driving (Agility)

Piloting (Agility)

Boating (Agility)
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