Revision [107]

This is an old revision of AvatarsRealWorld made by ConradWong on 2010-09-29 20:16:01.


The world in which Avatars takes place is halfway between our own and the dystopian cyberpunk future imagined by William Gibson. To illustrate the changes that swept across the world, we'll use the fictitious city of North Bend, New Jersey.


Social Classes

High Rent

Average Joes

The Poor

Gangsters and Hoodlums

In North Bend, the population is roughly 10% 'High Rent' who refer to their homes by district numbers rather than mention "North Bend", 30% average citizens who brave the streets if they must, paying protection to gang lords so they can pass unmolested, 40% poverty-stricken migrant workers who scavenge the fields for whatever they can sell or feed into the sludge pits to be recycled into raw materials, and 20% gangsters that extort money from all but the High Rent.

The rich eat 'real' food. For the poor there're synthesized soy proteins, processed and fortified with vitamins and minerals, and actual farm-grown vegetables find their way into the diet of the middlin' well-to-do, with steak a once-a-month luxury. The fragile ecology makes it impossible to simply mass-produce meat the way it used to be.


Energy is plentiful, as are consumer electronics. Personal sidearms are not uncommon. Guns mostly use mass accelerator technology that fits in the palm of one's hands, but it's still possible to find 'old fashioned' propellant-based firearms in the hands of collectors. Explosives are clean, fuel-air explosives. Biowarfare is illegal, as is nanotechnology capable of self-replication. Most individuals don't own vehicles, but instead, share communal hover-vehicles, ranging from bikes to cars to buses, all of which are electric and will recharge on widely available landing pads when not in use. These can be guided by a global navigation system when someone calls for a pickup.

Government Agencies and Corporations

There are entire worldwide government agencies tasked with the protection of Earth's ecology, physical and virtual. Among these are the Cybercrime Emergency Response Team (CERT), tasked with stopping runaway AIs, and the Internet Consumer Protection agency, which enforces spam prevention laws and prosecutes commercial fraud (sometimes with armed response teams).
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