Revision [78]

This is an old revision of Av2VRCharacters made by ConradWong on 2010-09-29 02:16:18.


AvatarsCampaign > AvatarsGameRules > Av2VRCharacters


All VR characters are familiar with the low level areas of settings in which they live and are able to ride domesticated and trained mounts. However, it is not a given that they can operate vehicles of their time period; these must be taken as skills.


Skills below are in addition to or replacing skills that appear in the Test Drive.

Strength-based Skills

Intimidate - no longer linked to Spirit; you may use your physical presence to cow or bully others. Feats of strength or displays of fighting prowess allow Strength, Fighting, or Shooting to be used as cooperative rolls.

Agility-based Skills

Sailing - allows you to pilot or crew a sailing ship or an airship.
Riding - allows you to handle a mount in combat, or ride a difficult or unusual mount.

Smarts-based Skills

Arcane Skill - used by mages. Allows you to direct your spells more accurately and with greater finesse.
Argument - use logic or spurious reasoning to convince someone to follow your direction. Effective against AIs, but -2 vs humans.
Knowledge - you receive knowledge of the VR settings for free (Smarts roll) but knowledge of subjects such as Alchemy, Arcane Runes, High Level Areas, Minimaxing, or Secret Lore may all prove useful.
Taunt - insults may lead your opponents to make mistakes in battle. Effective against humans, but -2 vs AIs.
Tracking - in addition to following someone's tracks, you can find tiny clues and hidden objects or compartments.

Spirit-based Skills

Avatar Link - used by Links to improve their ability to control and communicate with their Avatar. Can be used as a cooperative skill to assist complex maneuvers like jumping from an Avatar's back onto a moving object, or if the Link is actively directing the Avatar in carrying out some action.
Persuasion - use emotional manipulation and charisma to convince someone to follow your direction. Effective against humans, but -2 vs AIs.
Supernatural - used by shapeshifters and other creatures of the night to better control their abilities.
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